At the ruins of Plato’s Academy in Athens, Greece. 2023.
I have been writing and speaking about masculinity and masculine philosophy for over a decade. You could call me a “gonzo” anthropologist of masculinity. I focus on theory and ideas.
My foundational book, The Way of Men, has sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide and has been translated into French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Polish. The Way of Men continues to be recommended by soldiers, operators, martial artists, competitive athletes, coaches, business leaders, and regular guys and fathers around the world.
My most recent book, Fire in the Dark, presents a primal system of masculine roles and shows how those roles have been repeated repeatedly throughout the history of myth and religion. Fire in the Dark advances Solar Idealism, a philosophy I introduced and continue to develop with my international men’s group, The Order of Fire. If you want to see what I’m working on now, check out our weekly live show on YouTube.
I am “OG” manosphere have spoken many times at the 21 Convention. I often appear on podcasts to discuss masculinity and the challenges faced by men who want to live masculine lives in the 21st Century.

Using ancient stories and evolutionary psychology, The Way of Men introduced the four Tactical Virtues — Strength, Courage, Mastery, and Honor — and explained their roots in the primal bands that we gathered in to survive for millennia.
This influential underground classic has been read by hundreds of thousands of men all around the world, and been published in more than five languages. Start here.
“Barbarian” was a slur that the Greeks and others used for outsiders who spoke a different language and had strange customs. “Bar…bar…bar…”
There is an “Empire of Nothing” — a creeping global monoculture that is destroying meaningful identifies and replacing them with casual and superficial associations. We’re supposed to care about and value everyone equally, which also makes everyone equally disposable. Anyone who challenges the narrative of the empire becomes an outsider, an enemy, a “barbarian.”
This short book picks up Friedrich Nietzsche’s thoughts on nobility and master morality and uses them to guide men through an “upside-down” modern world, avoid the trap of hateful ressentiment, and overcome adversity through creativity.
Nietzsche’s words are rasps and chisels to help men refine a strength-based ethos, reveal their highest and noblest selves and become more complete men.
Returning to the simple, primal metaphor of the campfire and the perimeter, Fire in the Dark identifies a tripartite system of masculine roles and shows how those roles have been repeated again and again throughout the history of myth and religion.
Donovan integrates these ideals into a natural philosophy for men that draws from the very oldest ideas about what it means to be a man.
Buy my books through the Amazon affiliate links on this site or order signed copies through the Brutal Company store.
In 2019, Donovan started the “solar” movement for men with his slogan, “Stay Solar,” which later became an essay.
His 2021 book, Fire in the Dark developed his ideas into a syncretic spiritual philosophy for men, called Solar Idealism.
Solar Idealists see the gods and religions of men throughout history as projections of perfected versions of aspects of themselves — unreachable ideals worth reaching for.
Instead of “picking” one pantheon, Solar Idealists look for the through-lines, repeated patterns, and dominant archetypes of men throughout and choose to revere those as models and guides that direct us toward personal excellence and “becoming what we are” in the Nietzschean sense.
I founded The Order of Fire’s First Men group for Solar Idealists in 2022.
The Order of Fire’s First Men has two primary missions.
- To encourage excellence in men and help its members become the best versions of themselves.
- To create and promote a new Solar Culture, as described in The Manifesto of Solar Culture.
To find out more about The Order of Fire and The First Men, explore our regular podcasts and the video content we produce for our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram.
If you are interested in joining our inner circle, check out our website.
For more, visit The Order of Fire’s web site at:
The Order of Fire’s First Men began publishing a yearly journal in 2024.
Volume I of the printed Journal includes foundational texts, such as Donovan’s “The Manifesto of Solar Culture and “Name of the Dragon is Negation.” Donovan also contributed three new essays, written exclusively for this publication, including “Apollo’s Broken Mask” and an Afterword that addresses the threat of transhumanism to masculinity and humanity and aims, “Toward A Human Future.”
C.B. Robertson, author of The Hero and the Man, engaged in an adventurous exploration of solar philosophy for this edition of the Journal, titled “Descending Odin’s Throne: Enlightenment, Postmodernism, and Solar Phenomenology as a Groundwork for Meaning.”
The Journal also includes the work of many other members of the Order – such as Ed Hamann’s treatise on ghee, inspiring essays for young men, a record of attempts to make Sumerian beer, Vic Verdier’s thoughts on Solar Idealism as it relates to architecture, and more.
Readers will also find a selection of solar poetry written by our members, including some solar wedding vows and song lyrics written by Paul Begadon, author of The Layman’s Havamal.
Order of Fire, The (March 1, 2024). Paperback : 284 pages. ISBN-13 : 979-8218364755