My Wikipedia page was basically written by lesbians and communists, so if someone you know reads it and they are “concerned,” — this should clear some things up. 


I believe men and women are different. My work is about men, and I am proud of the fact that I have helped thousands (if not tens of thousands) of men around the world improve their lives. If women find my work valuable — and some do — that’s great too. 

I’m a registered Republican, but my primary interest is in preserving American freedom, not imposing my (or anyone else’s) beliefs on others.

I believe in freedom, free speech, the right to bear arms, free association and self-determination. These used to be “liberal” values. They are absolutely American values, and I believe that preserving the integrity original Bill of Rights is something the majority of Americans can and should be passionate about protecting.  I wrote about this in a longer essay several years ago. 

Read: The Bill of Rights Is All That Matters Now


Wikipedia can be a great starting source for research for older subjects, but concerning contemporary topics and people, Wikipedia has persistently demonstrated itself to be a far-left propaganda site. One of its founders, Larry Sanger, has warned that “nobody should trust” Wikipedia.

My Wikipedia page is primarily edited by two “genderqueer” feminist activist editors, @GorillaWarfare and @EvergreenFir. I have interacted with activist editor Molly White, “@GorillaWarfare,” who also authored the “Manosphere” and “Incel” pages. She has made it clear through her history of editing, and public statements that she uses Wikipedia to advance her far-left causes. She uses Wikipedia to intentionally misrepresent and defame men who she calls “masculists,” (her frame) and associate them all with “far-right” causes and lone shooters. However, she also pulls many of her citations directly from works written by public representatives of the violent terrorist organization AntiFa. (Her only “sources” on my work not written by other radical feminist women.)

I’ve been told that because Molly is a female “editor” with seniority at Wikipedia, she is basically untouchable. When I questioned her obvious and stated biases and agenda, she played the “damsel in distress” and cried to the other radical left-wing editors that she felt “targeted.” She was able to have me banned from Wikipedia — so that I could no longer comment on the inaccuracies and blatant lies in the article about me there. Like so many left-wing influencers today, it is entirely possible that she is being paid to advance the agenda of the current administration.

I explained all of this to a reader once, and he laughed that I had “my own Carol Baskin.” I suppose every “tiger king” must have at least one crazy cat lady critic.

Because I care deeply about my legacy and believe that I have done a lot of good work, the sloppy and biased state of my Wikipedia page used to keep me up at night. But then I watched legitimate journalist, truth-seeker, and American hero James O’Keefe voice the same compliants about his Wikipedia page on TimcastIRL once, and I realized that having far-left activists maliciously edit your Wikipeda is probably just a sign that you’re doing something right.



I was associated with the Virginia-based folkish heathen organization known as The Wolves of Vinland from approximately 2014-2018. I resigned from the Wolves of Vinland in late 2018.

I considered The Wolves to be primarily a private tribal and religious organization. The political and philosophical ideologies of its individual members seemed to vary widely when I was a member. I am no longer in contact with the Wolves, and cannot comment on what their collective views may be currently — because I simply don’t know. 

I support the ability of groups to form freely and try out all kinds of religions and styles of organization.

While I would no longer consider myself a supporter of that group specifically, I want to live in a world where they have the right to exist and do their own thing.

I learned a lot from The Wolves. I don’t regret joining The Wolves of Vinland, but I’m also really glad I left when I did.

Amor fati.


Operation Werewolf is a company/movement that was created by Paul Waggener and it has always been owned and operated by him. I helped him promote his company occasionally when we were friends, but I was never an active participant.

Many members of OPWW are also readers of my work, and some of them are great guys who hold a wide range of views. As far as I can tell, most of them just like to lift weights, listen to black metal, punch each other and do pagan rituals in the woods — and that all sounds swell to me. As of 2021/22 I tend to block anyone who uses the “92” or “opww” on social media, because if they’re still holding onto that, they are probably attracted to it for the wrong reasons.

From what I’ve heard, Paul Waggener has terminated OPWW anyway, so it is now a thing of the past.

The fact that some authors have identified me as the leader of OPWW (and sometimes, The Wolves, which was also never true) shows how sloppy their research is. If they got that wrong, you should probably wonder what else they got wrong and question the author’s competence or integrity. I think you’ll find in most cases that they are radical political activists who will say anything that serves their agenda — not the “truth seekers” or “concerned citizens” they pretend to be.


I am sometimes referred to as a White Nationalist. That is slander. Anyone who says that I am is a liar.

I have never considered myself a White Nationalist, and have never publicly claimed to be one.

I have always believed in the importance of freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas — especially unpopular ideas.

If you can’t handle the idea that somewhere, someone has an idea that you don’t agree with — and you want to silence or control them — you are a petty tyrant and in my opinion, a terrible human being.

I started writing about masculinity for alternativeright.com in 2011, when it hosted a collection of political and ideological dissidents who held a wide range of taboo positions, gathered in the tradition of American curmudgeon H.L. Mencken. At this time, what became the “Alt-Right” was not explicitly White Nationalist.

Over time, this changed, and after the Charlottesville incident (during which I was at a rock concert in Oregon), I cut all ties with activists in that movement and revoked the permission I had given them to republish my work.

I have always said and written that “white supremacy” was stupid, and have always believed that White Nationalism makes absolutely no sense in America.

I do not and have not written material disparaging other races. In fact, given my direct experiences with White Nationalists, I would much rather have some real talk with a black man who has a sense of humor than listen to yet another pasty nerd ramble on about “The Jews.”

While all White Nationalists are not wrong about everything, that movement is a dead-end (as well as a circular firing squad), and I actively encourage young men who want to get involved with White Nationalism to do something productive with their lives instead.

I’ve dealt with a lot of angry gay activists and a lot of angry White Nationalist activists in my life, and they have more in common than they think.

They both want to be proud of things that aren’t legitimate accomplishments.


I wrote a book titled Androphilia in 2007.  The main idea behind the book was that sexuality shouldn’t define a man, and that experiencing some homosexual attraction doesn’t mean that you have to choose to behave effeminately. Sexuality is a poor axis for primary identity. Men are men regardless, and I believe that they should strive to earn the respect and honor of other men.

I pulled Androphilia out of print in 2017, because I followed my own advice and transcended both that identity and that sexuality. I prefer to be defined by my own accomplishments and to be known for my commitment to helping men navigate the challenges of living a masculine life in the 21st Century.

I do not promote or discourage homosexuality.

I do encourage stable, accomplished men who want children to find a woman and start families. I’m convinced at this point that it is probably the best life for most men.

However, due to the current cultural landscape, that may not be feasible or desirable for many. I am passionate about helping the men who choose not to get married or have families find a way to lead purposeful, fulfilling, and productive lives. I am open to doing coaching or consulting on this subject — if you are interested, visit the contact page.

My path has always been different, and that’s ok — I don’t need to project that onto others or require what’s best for the majority to change to indulge the whims of a tiny minority. Good old fashioned “stay off of my lawn and out of my personal business” Americanism is all I want from people around me.