A response to a reader question about balancing creative passion with a stoic mentality.

On Friendship

On the value and the limits of sharing.

Whose Man Are You?

Some thoughts on lordship, leadership, brotherhood, identity and meaning.

The Bill of Rights Is What Matters Now

If America is about anything, it's about freedom.

Recreation vs. Re-Creation

I wrote this a couple of years ago, in response to discussions I was having with someone I was mentoring. It is one aspect of what the ouroboros (the ancient

The Joy of Thor

Because it feels good to exert strength. Because it feels good to BE thunder.

The APA is a Feminist, Partisan Organization

If three members of the communist party peer-reviewed an analysis of capitalism, written by another member of the communist party, would you consider that analysis to be “scientific” or “objective”?

No Man’s Land

That headline you are mad about this week isn't news. Feminists have been trying to "re-define" masculinity for decades.

Post with gallery inside.

Sed bibendum ante nibh, ut pretium nisi volutpat vitae. Donec quis felis in nulla dictum mattis. Suspendisse sagittis lorem leo, tincidunt venenatis risus ullamcorper semper. Suspendisse a tincidunt sapien. Donec

Fullwith post

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut

Post with Visual composer modules

Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare. Proin eleifend, tellus in interdum malesuada,

Post with couple photos inside

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut

Standard gallery post

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut


Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut
